Types of Disabling Conditions
Types of Disabling Conditions
There is no limited set of conditions that qualify for Social Security disability benefits. In the end, any disease or disability that prevents you from pursuing gainful employment should qualify. However, you must demonstrate the full impact of your disabling condition to Social Security or you will not receive the help you need. We will work closely with your doctor in order to communicate effectively with Social Security.
Putting Your Social Security Claim Back in Your Hands
As a law firm dedicated to Social Security claims, our attorneys have helped clients with a wide range of disabling conditions get the benefits they deserve. Your inability to work is the most important factor, but you must back it up with medical evidence. If you face multiple smaller problems or chronic pain, you can demonstrate to Social Security how they work together to create one disabling condition. We protect clients suffering from a number of diseases and disabilities, including:
- Neurological conditions
- Depression, anxiety and other mental conditions
- Lung disease
- Diabetes
- Orthopedic conditions
- Migraine headaches
- Hepatitis and blood disorders
- Learning disabilities
- Fibromyalgia
What Makes Our Firm Different?
Using modern technology to make the process of obtaining benefits as simple as possible, you will have secure, online access to your case file on the Internet throughout the process. With our help, you will be fully involved in the process of obtaining benefits. You will have secure, online access to the same information about your case that we do, when you want it, on your schedule. And, you can do it all from the comfort of your home.
Contact Us
We are available at our Washington state law offices during weekly business hours. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and we will listen to your concerns and answer your questions. We have locations throughout Washington, and our lawyers serve clients across the country.