Personal Injury Settlement Awards
The following cases and recoveries are just a portion of the cases we have settled in the last few years. Each case is different and prior results should not create an expectation of a similar amount. Any law firm’s failure to inform you of such is a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC 7.1) of the Washington Bar Association.
Settlements – Quick Look
The following cases and recoveries are just a portion of the cases we have settled in the last few years. Each case is different and prior results should not create an expectation of a similar amount. Any law firm’s failure to inform you of such is a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC 7.1) of the Washington Bar Association.

Settlement Awards By Year:
Dump truck backing up ran over worker.
Load shifted in truck, falling on driver when he opened the doors.
Rear ended when pulling a 15 ft trailer with farm equipment. Flashers and flags were present.
Rear ended causing left leg injuries.
Car rearended when it was stopped for a train injuring his neck and thumb.
Policy limits plus additional money form defendant, t-bone causing severe injuries to neck requiring surgery.
Products liability claim, injuries to hand when food processor switched on without warning.
Fractured ankle when truck hit bicyclist.
Minor struck by car at age 3, settled claim at age 18.
Jury verdict. Ttruck stopped at red light was rear ended at 35 mph. sustained neck, back and stomach issues. Lost small business.
Two vehicles struck in intersection. Injuries make it difficult to continue in her small cleaning business.
Policy limits from both the liability insurance policy and UIM policy. Car lost control in snowy conditions, hitting semi-truck driver injuring his back
Policy limits – t-bone accident in intersection injuring arm
Policy limits t-bone accident, requiring shoulder surgery, unemployed at time of accident due to relocation.
Policy limits – riding sandrail up sand dunes when a SUV crossed in their path.
Construction vehicle failed to yield at stop sign, surgery required to repair humerus fracture.
Multiple injuries received when the lead motorcycle swerved into the lane of the following motorcycles.
Policy limits – car pulled out in front of motorcycle causing severe injuries to leg.
Rearended at 30 mph causing neck pain.
Hit by truck while cross street on a scooter, reinjuring hip and neck.
Policy limits – oncoming motorcycle crossed the centerline into the path of a motorcycle, causing a crushing type injury to the driver’s leg and reinjuring neck.
Policy limits – car lost control on snowy road, crossing center line, injury to knee required surgery.
High speed accident – injuring shoulder requiring surgery
Elderly woman leaving store was hit by automatic doors causing her to fall and breaking her hip
Young boy received severe head trauma when the ATV four wheeler he was riding as a passenger flipped over.
Semi-truck driver pulled out from a stop sign in front of our client resulting in soft tissue injuries requiring 3 months of physical therapy.
Working at a car dealership when a serviceman from another dealership backed into him and a customer, causing them to fall to the ground injuring his shoulder.
Liability limits and UIM proceeds – t-bone in intersection aggravating back condition requiring back surgery.
Slipped at grocery store in produce department, more meniscus in knee.
Client was walking a neighbor’s horse that had gotten out of the corral. The horse reared causing her to fall injuring her collar bone and back.
Policy limits – They had fallen off their scooter and were just getting back on it when they were hit by a car by a young driver. After the accident he posted pictures of the damage to his vehicle on Facebook.
Harobed pulled out of field in front of cargo van. Lifeflited to hospital with multiple contiusions and broken femur.
Policy limits – debris from truck fell on roadway hitting oncoming vehicle injuring neck and shoulder.
Policy limits – driving to work with co-worker and boyfriend. The co-worker grabbed the steering wheel as a joke, made the driver lose control leaving the roadway and flipping the car.
Injured knee when she tripped and fell over a piece of re-bar sticking up out of sidewalk.
policy limits – was out of his car on side of road trying to get his truck unstuckwhen another vehicle lost control striking his vehicle, which then struck him.
Policy limits – rear-ended requiring neck surgery.
The client came to the law firm having received serious burns to his foot after stepping into hot liquid in a Washington factory.
A 63 year old gentleman from Walla Walla, suffered an injury to his lower back. His self insured claim was closed without award for permanent partial disability, based upon the nonsensical conclusions of IME examiners, that there were no objective findings to support permanent impairment. Claimant’s attending physician, who’s impartiality is also questionable, suddenly and unexpectedly released him to work his job of injury without restrictions. Calbom and Schwab appealed the closing order and absent having to incur the expense of a further independent evaluation, was able to negotiate a side bar agreement of $10,000.00 with the self insured employer.
Rear-end collision causing physical injuries that resolved in six months, but continued psychiatric injury.
Stopped to make turn when vehicle behind attempted to pass but moved into path of oncoming truck. Injuries to back and ligaments.
Vehicle ran stop sign in front of plaintiff, causing injuries to all three occupants. Policy limits received and divided by plaintiffs.
County incorrectly applied de-icer to roadway. Plaintiff hit de-icer and lost control, severely injuring right hand.
Vehicle ran stop sign in front of plaintiff, causing injuries to chest and neck.
While standing outside plaintiff was hit during scuffle between security and patrol, severely breaking her leg.
Car crossed center line on bridge, blamed phantom vehicle. Plaintiff re-injured back.
Plaintiff traveling on motorcycle behind another motorcycle on two-lane road. Vehicle passing motorcycles pulled in quickly between the motorcycles, causing the plaintiff to hit his brakes and lose control, resulting in knee surgery.
Defendant ran stop sign, hitting plaintiff¹s vehicle and aggravating plaintiff¹s prior back injuries.
Two occupants injured in a one car roll over accident.
Stopped to make turn when vehicle from opposite direction hit her head-on. Disk herniation.
Rear-ended by vehicle and pushed into dump truck heading in opposite direction. Injuries to neck and back.
Semi-Truck made a wide turn into oncoming traffic, hitting plaintiff’s vehicle and causing injuries to head, neck and back.
Temporary worker at plant was severely burned when pressure built up causing a lid to explode.
Hit in head-on by drunk driver, causing fractured leg and broken ribs.
Passenger in vehicle that lost control. Broken arm.
Trucker stooped to assist at accident on icy roads. Another vehicle going too fast came onto accident scene, hitting vehicle and pushing it into truck driver.
One car rollover due to alcohol. Severe laceration to plaintiff’s arm.
Hit head-on by drunk driver. Broken right foot, severed ear.
Vehicle pulled out in front of plaintiff, causing severe chest injuries and large hematoma on neck.
Manufacturing defect of camp trailer step, causing severely broken leg.
One car accident on gravel road. Injuries to spine and nerve damage to leg.
Anesthesiologist gave incorrect medication resulting in death.
Death of nursing home patient due to broken lift.
Rear-ended by truck while stopped with turn signal on.
Vehicle ran stop sign in front of plaintiff, re-injuring her recent low back surgery.
Hit by horse trailer, causing head trauma.
Car in front of plaintiff lost control; plaintiff tried to slow down and lost control, hitting semi-tractor and resulting in head trauma and pain in neck. Limited policy limits.
Walking to car in parking lot when hit from behind. Fractured foot, broken toes, two bulging discs.
Boat operator towed skier too close to other boat, causing the rope to cross over another boat, catching client’s arm and requiring shoulder surgery.
Single vehicle accident in fog; plaintiff underwent two shoulder surgeries but returned to better paying job.
Small car rear-ended truck, causing it to submarine under the truck, re-injuring the truck driver’s spine.
Hit by car in high speed chase from police, injuring his ribs and spine. Limited insurance coverage.
Plaintiff rear-ended by drunk driver. Recovery against tavern and driver.
Rear-ended causing back/neck/shoulder pain.
Plaintiff entering onto freeway when he is hit by a tire that came off of a tractor-trailer headed in the opposite direction. Injuries to neck.
Vehicle tires recently rotated by Les Schwab. Tire flew off when plaintiff was going down highway.
Hit from behind in dust storm. Injuries to neck and spine.
Multi-car accident. Injuries to low back, hips, neck and shoulders.
Plaintiff looses balance and leans on handrail that comes loose from the wall, causing him to fall and requiring back surgery.
Boat/wave runner, driver is alleged to have hit dock, causing passenger to fall off.
Worker fell 40 feet into a pit, sustaining life-threatening injuries. Liability hotly contested.
Construction worker fell from roof due to improper harness.
Young man hit in crosswalk at night, causing head trauma.
Rear-ended causing inner ear dysfunction, neck, shoulder and spinal injuries.
Deputy Sheriff ran stop sign, hitting plaintiff’s vehicle and causing injuries to her knee, back, shoulders and neck.
Auto accident requiring back surgery.
Product defect causing amputation to arm.
Auto accident requiring back surgery.
Fall into county garbage bin, breaking ankle.
Stool collapsed, causing shoulder injury.
Plaintiff shopping for office chair, sat down on chair which was incorrectly put together. Flipped backwards, hitting his head and shoulders.
Trucker struck by a forklift from behind, amputating foot.
Allstate Insurance wrongfully evaluates a claim: Soft tissue injury to elderly woman after auto accident. Case went all the way through Supreme Court.
Phantom vehicle ran truck off roadway, rolling off embankment.
Vehicle backed over young boy, causing head trauma.
Auto accident, plaintiff had prior neck and shoulder surgery. Accident caused increased injury to neck and surgery in good shoulder.
Minor groomed by sex offender into consenting sexual relationship.
Injured when thrown out of back of pickup coming down a mountain road.
Sheet metal worker injured arm when he was directed to stand on the job shack, which collapsed.
Hit by racer on snow ski team, requiring shoulder surgery.
Multiple car accident due to dust storm.
Forklift released stone onto stonemason causing him to jerk, injuring his neck/back.
Motorcycle lost control due to improperly signed construction area, requiring shoulder surgery.
Wrongful death/denial of civil rights. Plaintiff swallowed drugs during an arrest and was placed in a jail cell. Her request for assistance was ignored, resulting in death.
Construction worker falls when leaning on handrail on balcony, fracturing face.