
The Department of Labor and Industries will no longer going to pay my time loss benefits because they claim that I am retired. Can they do that?

Q: Because of an injury to my shoulder, I have been receiving time loss compensation from the Department of Labor and Industries for over a year. I had reconstructive surgery for the shoulder, but was still unable to return to work. A: By statute, if an individual was “voluntarily retired” and “is no longer attached to the work force”, he is […]

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Will my time loss benefits stop if I take a part-time job?

Q: I injured my back while lifting at work and was unable to continue working. After treating with a chiropractor, my back has improved. My employer has offered me a part-time, light duty position. However, because it is light duty, it does not pay much. Will my time loss benefits stop if I take the part-time job? A: Time loss is only […]

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Are time loss benefits under the Industrial Insurance Act/Worker’s Compensation Act different for seasonal workers versus non-seasonal workers?

Q: Are time loss benefits under the Industrial Insurance Act/Worker’s Compensation Act different for seasonal workers versus non-seasonal workers? A: Yes. In brief, seasonal workers have their time loss paid based on their average monthly earnings over a 12-month period before the industrial injury. Non-seasonal workers have their time loss benefits paid based on their rate of pay at the time […]

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