Video – Attorney Joe Schwab Discussing Brain Injury Cases

In 2010, there were about 2.5 million emergency department visits, hospitalizations or deaths from traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The effects of head injuries and TBI, which can range from mild to fatal, depend upon the location and severity of the damage to the skull and brain.

Causes and Types

The CDC lists the top four causes of brain injuries in the United States from 2006 to 2010.

  • Slip and fall accidents (40%)
  • Struck by an object or colliding against an object, also referred to as “unintentional blunt trauma” (15%)
  • Motor vehicle accidents (14%)
  • Assaults (10%)

The remaining 21% of cases are the result of other or unknown factors. Many accidents occur at the workplace, on business premises or in public. Below are examples of common types of brain injuries.

  • Concussions and contusions
  • Penetrating injury
  • Anoxic brain injury (lack of oxygen to brain)
  • Closed-head injury
  • Skull fractures

Severity and Symptoms

Doctors categorize brain injuries according to their severity. Below are some of the possible symptoms victims may experience in each category.

  • Mild – Many victims with mild brain injuries can recover – sometimes almost fully. Symptoms include a headache, fatigue, sleep problems, memory and concentration issues, mood swings, nausea, and balance problems. Mild brain injuries can be dangerous, though, because doctors may not diagnose them or misdiagnose them.
  • Moderate – Moderate TBIs can cause symptoms that last for months or that are permanent. The possible symptoms victims can display vary and include physical, cognitive and/or behavioral impairments.
  • Severe – Severe brain injuries often result in coma, a minimally responsive state or death. Patients may have long-lasting consequences.

Negligence-Related Injuries

Many TBIs are attributable to negligence of some kind. This is an important distinction for victims because if negligence caused or contributed to your accident, you might have the foundation for a lawsuit (and therefore may be eligible for a settlement). Your settlement can include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and mental anguish, among other damages.

For instance, if your loved one suffered a head injury in a car accident because the other driver was talking on a cell phone, that driver might be liable for the damages. If the injury was the result of slipping on slushy, wet snow that customers tracked into a store, the owner might be liable for the damages. However, you’d have to prove the owner should have known of the hazard and failed to correct it.

Each case is different. Speak to a local brain injury attorney to review your accident and determine if the case is negligence-related.

Calbom & Schwab Can Help You

If your loved one sustained a major head or brain injury in an accident, contact Calbom & Schwab in Washington. Our attorneys have deep experience with these cases and know how to obtain fair settlements that fully account for the victims’ short and long-term damages. This includes any future medical expenses or long-term care, as well as reduced or lost earning potential.

Call us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and determine if you might be eligible to file a claim for restitution: 844-334-5461.